Lista de comandos y scripts de Linux Networking


Lista de comandos y scripts de Linux Networking

  1. aria2 – downloading just about everything. Torrents included.
  2. arpwatch – Ethernet Activity Monitor.
  3. bmon – bandwidth monitor and rate estimator.
  4. bwm-ng – live network bandwidth monitor.
  5. curl – transferring data with URLs. (or try httpie)
  6. darkstat – captures network traffic, usage statistics.
  7. dhclient – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Client
  8. dig – query DNS servers for information.
  9. dstat – replacement for vmstat, iostat, mpstat, netstat and ifstat.
  10. ethtool – utility for controlling network drivers and hardware.
  11. gated – gateway routing daemon.
  12. host – DNS lookup utility.
  13. hping – TCP/IP packet assembler/analyzer.
  14. ibmonitor – shows bandwidth and total data transferred.
  15. ifstat –  report network interfaces bandwidth.
  16. iftop – display bandwidth usage.
  17. ip (PDF file) – a command with more features that ifconfig (net-tools).
  18. iperf3 – network bandwidth measurement tool. (above screenshot Stacklinux VPS)
  19. iproute2 – collection of utilities for controlling TCP/IP.
  20. iptables – take control of network traffic.
  21. IPTraf – An IP Network Monitor.
  22. iputils – set of small useful utilities for Linux networking.
  23. iw – a new nl80211 based CLI configuration utility for wireless devices.
  24. jwhois (whois) – client for the whois service.
  25. “lsof -i” – reveal information about your network sockets.
  26. mtr – network diagnostic tool.
  27. net-tools – utilities include: arp, hostname, ifconfig, netstat, rarp, route, plipconfig, slattach, mii-tool, iptunnel and ipmaddr.
  28. ncat – improved re-implementation of the venerable netcat.
  29. netcat – networking utility for reading/writing network connections.
  30. nethogs – a small ‘net top’ tool.
  31. Netperf – Network bandwidth Testing.
  32. netplan – Netplan is a utility for easily configuring networking on a linux system.
  33. netsniff-ng – Swiss army knife for daily Linux network plumbing.
  34. netwatch – monitoring Network Connections.
  35. ngrep – grep applied to the network layer.
  36. nload – display network usage.
  37. nmap – network discovery and security auditing.
  38. nmcli – a command-line tool for controlling NetworkManager and reporting network status.
  39. nmtui – provides a text interface to configure networking by controlling NetworkManager.
  40. nslookup – query Internet name servers interactively.
  41. ping – send icmp echo_request to network hosts.
  42. route – show / manipulate the IP routing table.
  43. slurm – network load monitor.
  44. snort – Network Intrusion Detection and Prevention System.
  45. smokeping –  keeps track of your network latency.
  46. socat – establishes two bidirectional byte streams and transfers data between them.
  47. speedometer – Measure and display the rate of data across a network.
  48. speedtest-cli – test internet bandwidth using
  49. ss – utility to investigate sockets.
  50. ssh –  secure system administration and file transfers over insecure networks.
  51. tcpdump – command-line packet analyzer.
  52. tcptrack – Displays information about tcp connections on a network interface.
  53. telnet – user interface to the TELNET protocol.
  54. tracepath – very similar function to traceroute.
  55. traceroute – print the route packets trace to network host.
  56. vnStat – network traffic monitor.
  57. websocat – Connection forwarder from/to web sockets to/from usual sockets, in style of socat.
  58. wget –  retrieving files using HTTP, HTTPS, FTP and FTPS.
  59. Wireless Tools for Linux – includes iwconfig, iwlist, iwspy, iwpriv and ifrename.
  60. Wireshark – network protocol analyzer.